There are 700.000 Facebook users in Denmark. That's pretty impressive if you take into consideration the fact that there are barely 5 million people in Denmark and that last July, there were only 9.000 users.
Such a rapid growth makes researches to wonder what drives Facebook popularity. While one group talk about socializing aspect, others seek answers in science. The latter one are two researches from IT University and Center for Design Research in Denmark developed model that explains Facebook popularity. Model focuses on understanding how we experience the websites and what are factors that attract people. It analyzes not only content, services and applications but the quality of design, layout and user-friendliness.
When applying model to Facebook, the researches have found out that the popularity of the site is largely due to Facebook's visual expresson - it is design and layout are very discreet in the form and colors, and it may be the adult generation like. It signals the seriousness and credibility, just like banking sites. Researches compared Facebook with Danish bank site Danske Bank.
At the same time the system is extremely easy to use - it is very intuitive, and it does not require a lot of experience to create a profile. Researchers believe those are the factors that made Facebook popular not only amongst the younger audiences but also attracted adults, who weren't familiar with social networks or never used them before.
Interesting point of view, proving that user driven design is very important and together with understanding the drivers and motivations that trigger human behavior are powerful tools in creating community.
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